Logitech Manual For Harmony 880 Remote
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 14/12/17Amazon. com Customer reviews Logitech Harmony 8. Remote Control. I got this when the refurbished version cost about 8. For those concerned about buying a refurbished item, your concerns are valid only if the manufacturer support is poor. Read mine and countless other customer reviews and you will see that Logitechs support is beyond reproach. Logitech 880 Remote Control' title='Logitech 880 Remote Control' />I received mine with a fault. The gyroscope, which allows the remote to sense movement and so wake the display, did not work. So I called support. They looked up the unit and established the date it was bought and the fact it was a refurbished model and I had a new remote 3 days later. Harmony 880 Pro' title='Harmony 880 Pro' />Best yet, I did not have to return the original unit, they simply had me register the new unit which worked perfectly a process which disabled the original unit. Since I got this for less than half of what a new unit costs, I see this as a minor issue, not worth docking a star for. I have five devices used with this system a TV, a PS3, a DVR, a DVD player and an AV amplifier. One thing worth mentioning is that this unit sends IR commands only, so it will not control a PS3 which uses bluetooth. You can buy products that will recieve IR and convert to bluetooth if you wish. Other than that, I can control all my other devices without a single function missing. In fact, in the case of my TV, I actually am able to perform functions that my original, supplied remote does not. Logitech Harmony 880 Remote SoftwareI was able to set up basic control of all devices using presets in the online database so I basically searched for the makemodel of each device, selected it and it prepogrammed the remote with all the functions mapped to the correct keys. I spent a little time editing some of the presets. Just for personal preference, but I found more convenient button mappings that once again improved my level of control from the original remote. I also experimented with faster delay settings so that switching between devices was faster. These involve macros that can be conveniently named, Watch TV or Play Game etc. During these, multiple commands fire in sequence and you must keep the unit pointed at your devices for them to work correctly. Not to worry if you dont one time simply press the Help button and the remote guides you through a little troubleshooting menu that gets you back on track. I have also had the unit learn commands not included in the presets. Sap Press Books Rapidshare. This involves pointing the original remote at the base of the Harmony so that it can sense you activating the needed command and program it into the software. You then name your command and map it to a key. You can also rename existing commands in the presets useful for adding to the keys on the sides of the LCD display which label command buttons that do not correspond to standard remote buttons. Consider this useful if you have a device with red, blue, yellow and green keys for example. Vray 3Ds Max 8 Download'>Vray 3Ds Max 8 Download. These buttons are useful, though in a perfect product they would be a bit more responsive. They sometimes feel like you have pressed them, but nothing happens. Other models do not have this issue, but you pay much more for the privilege. I did not have any charger worries as some have had, and have had this for nearly a year without any other issues but the gyro problem. Since this was resolved with absolute haste, I do not see this as a con. I also had Logitechs excellent support help with my TVs odd setup, and the timing of my DVRs commands all of which are peculiarities of the device, not the remote and the Harmony still works better than the original remote. I simply cannot recommend this more highly. Since the price seems to have risen, I do not see it as quite the bargain it once was, but it is still more than worth the cost. Though it is not a perfect product, I see it as by far the best bang for the buck. Features on the more expensive models are those that most buyers will rarely, if ever need or are niggles that would be nice to have, but not worth the extra cost. Logitech Harmony 880 Remote ManualFind helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control Refurbished at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from. While it isnt perfect, the Logitech Harmony 890 should be near the top of your list if youre in the market for a sub400 RF remote that can.